Mobile Games

Death Sprayer Mod for Mini Militia mobile game

by GamesLiga -

Mini Militia is a side-scrolling shooter where the idea is to kill your friends as many times as possible with the wide array of guns available. You have a jetpack with limited fuel that replenishes and there are pickups available all over the maps.

The game is incredibly fast paced so you’ll have to be on your toes at all times. One thing to remember is that you won’t be good straight away. In fact, you will be terrible. Dexterity comes with practice and that practice can be hugely rewarding when you have the bragging rights in your group. It’s a game that’s easy to play but difficult to master. If you have a long break between classes, Mini Militia is a great way to pass the time.

Mini Militia Mega Mod APK. The term Mini Militia mod was coined when this game’s modified versions stepped into the mobile app marketplace. It spread like a wildfire throughout groups of players who were excited enough to download every version available. Some of these versions had Unlimited Ammo, Nitro, Pro pack, one shot dead, double gun and what not.

The Mega Mod, also known as Ultra Mod, was first seen on the internet about 4 months ago. It initially came out with features such as Unlimited Ammo, Nitro and Superspeed. Later, most of them removed superspeed as it was ruining the game of other players that didn’t have this feature, instead a faster jetpack feature was introduced. The XAP, APK and IPA files were created to make the mod playable cross different platforms.

Make sure to reload your weapons before they blow out anytime. Keeping them loaded can let you engage more in the battle field and rank your way up.

Time bomb is one more gift that must be utilized in the best ways. Make sure to make a move, place a time bomb and let the opponent follow you to get killed by the bomb.

Every other weapon in mini militia has its own range, and one needs to explore a lot with them to find the best weapon suitable for their gameplay.

Completely avoid playing with hackers who tend to have great skill points. They can easily beat you down and grab away the weapons from your vault.

The following are some of the working tips that you can follow up to rank high in the battle field.

Before battling with a new opponent, make sure to reload your guns.

When you have been completely surrounded by the opponent players, then make sure to finish off the first two players and then walk through to kill the remaining ones.

Replace the weapons as soon as possible if the ammo get low without spare ammo to reload.

Mini Militia Death Sprayer Mod. Death Sprayer Mod has gained a lot of hike since the day it was released on the web. This is the only Mini Militia mod that lets you launch innumerable rockets in fractions of a second.

Rockets, Saw Cutters, and Machete: This Mod lets you launch all these weapons at a rate that is on par with other automatic and semi-automatic guns in the game.

Default Weapons: Every time you respawn you will get Saw cutter and Rocket Launcher in dual wield as the default weapons.

Unlimited Mines: Throw sensor mines along with the rockets that travel in the air as long as they don’t find a place to stick.

Place the poison grenade (green grenade) in the place where the opponents would spawn that will kill the opponent automatically.

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