Mobile Games

NCSoft’s 2019 plans include new Lineage, Alon and Blade & Soul mobile titles

by GamesLiga -

Korean publisher NCSoft has announced five new mobile games to drive growth in 2019.

The Investor reports that the company’s lineup includes Lineage 2M, Aion 2, Blade & Soul 2, Blade & Soul M, and Blade & Soul S – based on three of the company’s existing MMORPG franchises.

All five new titles are due for release in the first half of 2019, with CEO Kim Taek-jin acting as creative head of each.

“We tried to make outstanding and unique mobile games instead of just rolling out copycats to join the mainstream when we first jumped into the mobile segment with Lineage M last year,??? said Taek-jin, speaking a press conference.

“We tried to inject new ideas and imagination into the new games that we could not incorporate in previous versions.???

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NCSoft is also working on undisclosed new PC and console titles, working with partners including Samsung and Microsoft.

On the former, an NCSoft executive commented: “Samsung is one of our important partners, and we will soon start a joint marketing scheme for games that can be played on its upcoming foldable smartphone.???

With Microsoft, NCSoft stated that it is working on a broad range of technology partnerships including artificial intelligence, cloud and console games.

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